We know there's nothing more frustrating than not being able to book a great deal. We created the Test Booking Center® to test all of the deals you see on our website. If we find a travel deal that has a long telephone hold time, changes in dates or prices or any other issue, we'll let the travel company know about it and then update our site to give you the most accurate information.
Why do we test book all our deals and how does this help you?
At Travelzoo, we want your travel experience to be fun and enjoyable right from the start. That's why we don't endorse deals packed with tons of value alone—instead, we go one step further and ensure that every deal we publish is accurate, available and easy to book.
Let's face it, nothing's perfect. But at Travelzoo, we do everything we can to ensure what we tell you is correct.
If you experience a problem with a deal on our site, please send an e-mail to let us know about it and help us make Travelzoo content even better.
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For more information on how we use your location data, see our privacy policy.